I read this today on Entrepreneur.com:

Ambady and Rosenthal call this behavior “thin-slicing.” They argue that we make quick judgments—or thin slices—of people we meet, and rarely change them. This isn’t just important for teachers. Multiple studies have found thin-slicing happens in dating, parenting, and looking at social media profiles. The lesson is clear: If we don’t nail our first impression, all our hard preparation is wasted. But you can turn that to your advantage—because to win over a crowd, you only have to supercharge the first two seconds! 

I don't like this kind of crap. I have an issue with the idea that we need to change ourselves to be a certain way so that people can make a 2 second snap judgement of who we are in the way that we want. There's something not only inauthentic about it - it's also just not a respectful way to look at other people. 

Here's what I'm working on instead...actually trying to question my first impressions of people and decide whether or not they're right, wrong, fair or unfair.